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  • Writer's pictureWell Mind Mankind

Life is meant to be lived. How to STOP feeling so anxious all the time.

In an era of constant distractions and media/ads fighting for your attention and awareness it can be difficult to find grounds for breathing room. There are so many conveniences and wonderful experiences we get to have these days but sometimes it can feel like there may be too much to do or too many things to be apart of.

Well, in this post I hope you’ll find a few ways to release the hold you have on life and allow yourself to just be.

Be okay with things not happening the way you think they should.

  1. Tell people NO. Be firm in your decision. it’s truly okay to -not- want to go somewhere or do something for whatever reason. It can be “ just because “ . Your physical and mental wellbeing is always most important over anyone else’s desires or any event happening.

  2. Detox from the internet. Like fully. Aside from perhaps work emails, or bill paying/anything immediately pertinent. Though in general, any form of online “entertainment” or meandering. Just stop for a few days and you’ll see how much unnecessary, self-inflicted heaviness is lifted from you.

  3. Understand that people’s perspective on / of you are simply just that. Their perspective - and it ultimately does not give weight to who you actually are. People will always have opinions no matter how much you try and please their egos. There is this quote I heard a while back and I’m not sure the origin so credit due where it may but it goes something like “ you can be the sweetest peach on the tree and there is still going to be someone who doesn’t like peaches “ 🍑 it may be a silly analogy though a very accurate representation of the human condition. Essentially, it’s okay to just be who you are and to not let that make you feel any sort of less-than way.

  4. Grounding. Also known as “ Earthing “ . I’ve found immense success using this modality. Reconnecting to the grounds we live on is something so underrated and taken for granted in my opinion. I feel as though grounding can be a separate post also as there is much to say about it. So simply put, take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the dirt, grass, sand, or in water. Fully immerse yourself in this experience and remove all barriers from your energetic body to the energies that flow from the earth beneath your feet. Try this and tell me ( or yourself ) how it makes you feel. I think you’ll be surprised.

  5. Eat as purely as you can. There are many toxics, impurities, added chemicals, etc in the majority of food consumed today which inevitably has ( in my opinion ) an adverse reaction with our emotional, physical, endocrine, etc system at large. The old saying “ you are what you eat “ is a saying for a reason. I’m sure by now we are all aware of this but I know all too well that sometimes short conveinces are longterm ailments. Another way of putting it ; It never pays to eat cheaply. I eat on a budget, and some staple foods that I LOVE are potatoes, leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, leeks and some other veggies. I make hearty soups that last me the week with these ingredients so I can say it is possible to eat wholesomely while staying on a budget. I will make another post with the ingredients I use to make a weeks worth of food and exactly how much I paid ( receipts and all ) LOL .

  6. Have you tried healing water? This may be far out for some people but this is another modality I use so I felt it needed to be mentioned here. So, our physical bodies are debatably between 70-90+% water ( when you break it down moleculary. ) And everything is energy. Knowing that it makes sense how drinking water with pure intention (thought energy) infused into it could have an impact on our physical, energetic / water bodies. There are many videos I could point you towards if you’re interested in doing a deep dive into the true magic of water. But for now, to keep it minimal, what you will do is take a glass of water, hold it next to your heart and pour your intention or message (code) of what you would like the water to translate / transfer / heal your body with. For me, love is always something I infuse into my water before drinking. I simple focus on what it feels like to love / be loved and hold that thought in the glass of water for a few minutes and than drink. I will also write with a sharpie on my glass of water with whatever message I would like translated into my body. Something about this feels so inherently pure, true, and right. There has been real science done on water, how it reacts to words/sounds/writings and I think you will find this topic abundtly interesting to say the least. It’s been proven by science in such depth that, to me, it doesn’t require an

  7. “ open mind “ to acknowledge. But, we will leave it at that. One must always do their own research and come to their own understandings and conclusions.

  8. Let the average, mundane tasks of life be your meditation time. I.e, while doing the dishes, mopping the floors, folding laundry, etc. What I’m saying is to let your mind free. Stop thinking of anything. Just do the task at hand and give your mind a break from itself. I’ve learned to do this through the years and it truly is a moment of relief. When you allow yourself to break free from your own thoughts is where a space is created between the illusionary world of stress and high importance to one which holds a cradle for one to simply just exist in a place of time which can be so healing and stress ( anxiety ) reducing. It may be hard at first to not think of anything but soon you will understand what it feels like and means to just be present, listen to the birds, as be in your body as if it were your first day with no past or no future. Just be here now.

  9. It may sound trivial but helping someone else is a really superb way to get your focus off of your own life struggles or concerns and onto creating a beautiful experience for another person. Bake some cookies, give a compliment, listen ( really listen ) to what someone is saying to you and if requested give advice that you would want to hear or that would make you feel heard and understood. Be real, open, and honest.

  10. Lastly, for now, perhaps a slightly unusual way to help relieve anxiety is to fully grasp that all these worries you’re worried about are just something to preoccupy your human mind. And even if you solve all of those worries you will see how quickly it is for you to find another worry to worry over. Essentially, if you take anything from this it is that you are not your mind, you are energy having a human experience and it’s all okay. Even those things that keep you up at night, it’s all okay. Everything is just an experience and it truly is okay to go through these human emotions whilst still knowing that nothing that is going on around you is who or what you really are and that these things that are placed on a pedestal of such high importance are simply just another thing to experience, to learn from, to grow out of.

With that, I wish you an amazing day filled with all the things that make you feel like your most authentic self.

I mean this, take care.

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